07SEP2015 ck
We all know car crash tests. They are important for our safety. But have you ever seen how it looks like when a car hits the wall at almost 200km/h (124mph)? This is really unbelievable!
Unthinkable how it would be to sit in this car. For example in Germany you can drive as fast as your car can go on the Autobahn ...
Please share this if you have more respect for speeding after this video. It may save someone's life - maybe even yours!
Aliens, Obama And The Russian Prime Minister
The Man-Eating Elevator
What An Overwhelming Reaction This Dog Is Showing
Vietnamese Fresh Spring Roll * Not Only For Spring
He Just Wanted To Let His Boat In The Water - But What Happened Then, He Did Not Expect
Could A Car In The Sun Melt Like Chocolate? Yes It Can!
He Holds His Breath For 20 Minutes Until ...
A Coke For Snoopy Please